Good and Bad Content in the Club format✏️

 Public post
Apr 15, 2024  84

Every online platform has its own vision of what constitutes good content and what doesn’t. From blogs, we expect useful articles; from group chats, quick help and fresh memes; from social networks, self-affirmation and likes.

The Club bring real people together and accumulate their experiences.

Good content in the club format conveys personal experience, insights, and openness. Good content carries value, no matter how mundane it might seem.

Moreover, the value can be found both in the post itself and in its comments. A well-posed question or thread aggregates the experiences of many people, significantly increasing its overall usefulness.

To get the most out of the club, you need to participate 🍻

🥶 On the Fear of Sharing Experience

The main obstacle to great content is the widespread modern ailment known as "impostor syndrome". Everyone has it, just in different proportions. Any area where I’m knowledgeable seems obvious and simple to me, even if it’s an unfathomable mystery to the rest of the population.

Impostor syndrome and "I don’t really know much" are the biggest enemies of the club.

"I fear sharing my experience in it because it seems obvious and silly, and surely the experts in the comments will ridicule me; they’re better at it. Better to stay silent." - Don't fear!

We ask chat admins to specifically encourage people to share their experiences in che club, urge members to comment on others' Intros and posts, and request more details.

Join us in this effort! Encourage others to share their stories and experiences!

🙇‍♂️ Drafts

Remember that you have a Drafts down here. If a moderator rejects your post, it moves to Drafts, which doesn’t mean a permanent rejection.

⛔️ Bad Post: The text is poorly written, unformatted, not divided into paragraphs, and lacks images. When an author dumps a wall of text without structuring their thoughts, it shows a lack of respect for readers' time.
✅ We move such posts to drafts so the author can organize them: divide into paragraphs, add headings, highlight key points, include illustrations, etc.

A bad post can almost always become good with a bit more love and time. In 90% of cases, the issue is with the presentation

Drafts really help you save ideas and eventually turn them into great posts
Drafts really help you save ideas and eventually turn them into great posts

Write posts that are interesting to comment on and that provide value to the community. Also, remember that the club doesn’t need many posts; the club needs cool posts, comments and value.

The value of a post depends on many factors. It all DEPENDS. Just follow the guidelines and think about the value you provide, and everything will be fine!

👁 Public vs. Private Posts

When publishing a new post, the author always decides whether to make it public or "members-only". Intuitively, it might seem that since we’re a private community, there’s no point in public posts. This is a myth that we will gradually dispel.

Yes, private posts are good for discussing sensitive topics. We’re not new to the internet and understand that such posts can still be stolen, screenshotted, or leaked, so it’s not worth storing secrets there (or online in general).
However, they are great for discussing a topic without fear that random people from the internet will jump into the thread to troll, cancel, flame, or engage in other undesirable behavior of the modern world. In this context, private posts are helpful.

On the other hand, the more private posts we have, the more insular and echo-chamber-like the community becomes. Public posts can be shared with friends, posted on social networks, attracting like-minded individuals who appreciate the community's vibe, rather than a fake aura of "elitism".

Public posts grow the club and attract relevant people — this is their purpose.

Therefore, we recommend creating each post as public by default. Only in extreme cases, for discussing sensitive topics, should it be made private (moreover, the author can always close it with one click if requested in the comments).

🙏 You can help us make existing posts public too. Ask the authors of posts like "Your Favorite Anime", which are private out of ignorance, to open them by pinging @moderator in the comments.

⚖️ Moderation vs. Anarchy

If a post has the potential to spark heated arguments or touches on sensitive topics — please warn about it and establish rules. Fostering a friendly community atmosphere is a significant effort. As an author, you can also contribute by removing aggressive comments and extinguishing conflicts with words. If all else fails, don't hesitate to call for help from @moderator

🏞️ Lifestyle and The Sandbox

Content in the club is divided into two main categories: IRL posts about what’s happening in our lives and posts related to The Sandbox and UGC.

While our community is focused on The Sandbox and UGC, it’s crucial to remember that we are living people who eat, travel, have hobbies, create families, raise children and pets, play sports, make music, read books, and so on. This list can go on forever.

I believe that our real lives are the reason we spend time in virtual worlds. Virtual worlds help us survive in reality. Let’s share our real lives and be closer to each other.

🚪 The Rooms

To make the lives of club members easier and simplify the search for information, we use rooms. Club rooms are special places where you can post content, and each room has its own life. Some rooms are closely connected to guilds and Telegram chats.

At first glance, everything might seem a bit confusing, but as my grandfather used to say:

"Don't treat people like fools and don't over-explain; people are smart, they'll figure it out themselves."

🧠 Types of Posts

In the club, you can create posts for different purposes. For example, you can create: Post, Question, Link, Battle, Event, Project, Guidebook, and Thread. Essentially, these are all posts and comments on them, but there’s a nuance.

Each type of post has its unique atmosphere.

Different types of posts help set a framework and make the club more interesting. Use your imagination, because each type of post can be used for different purposes.

Hints for each type of post:
Post - The classic format for writing long reads
Thread - A place for discussions where comments are the most valuable
Project - You can publish your experiences and projects
Idea - For sharing ideas you want to discuss
Battle - For debates and competitions
Question - Here you can ask questions and get answers
Event - Used for hosting AMAs
Guidebook - You can create IRL travel guides
Link - A way to share a link from the external internet

✍️ Good Posts vs. Bad Posts

Posts are the most obvious carriers of value. We do not limit the club to one specific theme; we focus on the format: USEFUL, FUN, SINCERE
Feel free to write. The club is a great platform for experimentation.

A good post is written sincerely, openly, and fun, without the traditional internet posturing and sarcasm.
Sincerity and openness are among the club's main values. In attempts to “show ourselves in the best light,” we’ve set the bar so high that we now deal with depression and impostor syndrome. Sincere posts help with this by showing the real world, not Instagram reality.

A good post describes personal experience and provides examples. Everyone has personal experience; you just need to bring it out and present it. Life stories are hidden keepers of personal experience, even if the author doesn’t realize it.
Stories of failure contain even more experience!

Want to write a quality post with personal experience but don’t know how? Just start telling the story of how you gained that experience.

Below, we have gathered examples of good Posts for you to reference:
✅ I tried to complete a GMF project for five years and didn’t finish.
✅ How we went to The Sandbox Creators Day in Hong Kong.
✅ How I burned out after drawing 365 illustrations in a year.

🗄 Threads

Threads are one of the coolest things in the club; they are the place that carries the most value. Threads can be used in various ways, use your imagination.

A silly thread dies quickly. A good thread lives as long as it is discussed, which means a thread can live forever.

A good thread is a place where a topic can be deeply discussed and explored 100%. The club welcomes threads that bring value, develop the club and help members.

Here are some examples:
✅ What attracts players and keeps them coming back to the experience?
✅ How to Improve The Sandbox: Tools, Features, Ideas & Dreams
✅ Books that affect you the most?

🤔️️ Questions = Answers

The value in questions lies in the answers. The author’s task is to formulate the request as concretely and interestingly as possible, so others want to share their experiences and gather as many different opinions as possible.

A good question always has a clear title to understand the question immediately. A distinctive feature of good questions is that they make you want to read the comments, even if the topic never interested you before.

Personally, I manage to find a good question title only after ten attempts. ChatGPT helps a lot.

Once the title is formed, the author first shares their experience. They explain how they tried to solve the problem, what they know about the problem, what methods they tried, and why they didn’t succeed. The author sets the topic clearly and asks everyone to share their experiences

Here are examples of good Questions for you to reference:
✅ How to run The Sandbox on Steam Deck?
✅ How to make an IO mechanic in Game Maker?
✅ How to organize Google Sheets to account for assets?

Links are needed to share cool content from the external internet and discuss it with people from the club. A link can be to anything: an article on someone’s blog, a hot thread on Twitter, a YouTube channel. Just like on Reddit.

If you decide to post a link to a map with your LAND, please specify the designated room here LANDs.

The content itself remains on the original site, the author gets the deserved likes-views or experience visits, and we comment on it here, in our own small circle. It’s great.

A good link: an interesting topic to read together and discuss.

Suppose you stumbled upon the SCP Foundation website for the first time and decided you immediately want to discuss everything happening there in the club. SCP is a huge and popular topic on which many mini-games can be based in The Sandbox.

Examples of clear titles for external links:
✅ The cool maze in the center of The Sandbox. Welcome!
✅ The tools of screenwriting: a guide to writing scripts.
✅ A great YouTube review of new neural networks.

Be sure to write a Description: share your thoughts, ask questions, inquire about analogs...

... Or maybe even start a thread. 😎

💡 Idea

Posts like “Idea” are needed to propose an idea to club members. Here we propose ideas for the development of LANDs, the community, and The Sandbox platform as a whole. The idea can be on any topic

A good idea is a finished idea: explain why it’s cool, how long it will take, and what it will lead to for everyone who responds.

A good idea ignites the creative potential among club members: it’s a clearly described concept with well-chosen illustrations and examples..

Before publishing an idea, don’t forget to specify the room it’s intended for.

Examples of cool ideas:
✅ How to make The Sandbox Map more convenient, reduce discomfort during navigation, and improve discoverability.
✅ Cross-LAND Streaming: a new way to connect in The Sandbox.
✅ How to gather all cool Landowners inside the club.

Cool ideas are the fuel for the club!🔥

🤜🤛 Battles

In battles, you can propose a topic and two opposing opinions on it. This is a universal type of post that can be used to find answers to important questions.

Battles are a way to pit two entities against each other to see which one is cooler!

Here are examples of good battles:
✅ The design of The Sandbox map: Old map vs. New map.
✅ Purchased traffic vs. Organic traffic
✅ What’s cooler: Roblox vs. The Sandbox

Battles can also be used for art and narrative competitions.

🏗️ Projects

Projects are a super cool way to share what you’re working on, get feedback, inspire others, and gain other valuable opportunities that come from publishing how you’re developing your project.

Show what you’ve achieved: Describe what inspired you, what your goals are, what difficulties you faced, and if you need help.

A well-described project provides a detailed description with screenshots, videos, and a good text structure. Be creative in describing your project, because even the coolest one can look bad if it’s not well-described with pictures or videos!

Engage people in discussions about your project: share your experience and the techniques and tools you used.

Remember that you can update your post and show updates. Don’t forget to communicate in the comments under the post and don’t be shy to ask questions. That’s why we’re here.

You can publish any of your projects. It can be a LAND’s Experience, a collection of avatars or assets, your developments based on Game Maker, or other custom tools, websites, or communities.

✅ Magic Palette: Level Design Generator for your LAND 😉
✅ SCP Foundation: Central Underground HUB
✅ Social HUB: The Meowind UGCRPG
✅ The Sandbox Content Generator

🗺️ Guidebooks

Guidebooks are IRL posts about cities and countries; they are an opportunity for each of us to share our experiences of living in a particular country. We all have unique experiences and insights on how to live more comfortably and where it’s cooler to travel in various places on the planet. Let’s share and help each other explore our beautiful world!

Cool guidebooks definitely missing from the club:
✅ Ko Pha-ngan
✅ Tokyo
✅ Paris

I truly hope that the IRL content of the club will develop as brilliantly as the UGC content!

What Makes a Comment or Post Great?

To make your comments or posts great, ensure they are informative and insightful by sharing new ideas, useful tips, or fresh perspectives.

Tell your stories, drop industry news, or propose cool solutions. Keep your content well-structured and easy to read, with good grammar, simple language and fun.

Encourage engagement by asking questions or seeking feedback to get the conversation going. Be constructive and respectful, offering positive feedback or constructive criticism without being a jerk. Respect is key.

Finally, add unique value by bringing something new to the table; original thoughts and creative ideas are gold.

Driving Innovation in great discussions spark new ideas and push the limits of what can be done in The Sandbox.

🎉 Awesome! You’ve read this post to the end!

I’m writing this guide when only two people are registered in the club, but I already know how it might influence the future of the club and its members when we are 100 people and more..

This post was created to inspire and guide club members not to hesitate to share what they’re working on and what’s happening in their lives. I hope The Guide truly inspired you
Perhaps you will also decide to share, and your future post will influence all of us and make its unique contribution to the development of each of us and the universe of The Sandbox!

Writing posts, starting threads, and sharing experiences is what makes all of us smarter and more professional. The more skilled we become, the better the games we create will be. So share your knowledge and don’t be afraid of competition; it’s way scarier when there are low-quality games in The Sandbox than the possibility of someone copying your style.

Writing isn’t easy. But it’s not hard either. It took me four evenings to write all this, and I’m very happy that I’m finally finishing it. I’m a bit tired, but I feel the thrill because The Guide shapes the future.
We are making history, friends!

You are all super cool guys, thank you for reading to the end! ❤️

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Comment first 👇


The post author has opened it to the wider internet, but commenting and interactions are only available to Club members

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